Chiksan Swivel Joints

Chiksan Swivel Joints

Chiksan Swivel Joints

Pressure tight seals protect bearings from line fluid

Chiksan swivel joints are equipped with dynamic-seal packing units and bonded, brass anti-extrusion ring. (6" to 12" have stainless steel anti-extrusion ring)

Chiksan packing units (polyresin or nitrile) offer a leak-tight dynamic seal.

Chiksan swivel joints can be used on both pressure and suction lines without requiring a change in packing. Bearings and ball races are protected from line fluid throughout the stated pressure range, including suction or vacuum service to 450° F. (maximum temperature rating for nitrile packing units is 225° F).

Stainless steel and aluminum joints can be equipped with hardened, stainless steel snap-in ball races. Although the size, type and number of bearings vary according to swivel joint design, most swivel joints have flame-hardened ball races and two rows of bearings.

All joints have a streamline bore to minimize pressure drop and turbulence throughout the stated pressure range.

Only occasional light greasing with grease gun is required to keep swivel joints on the job. If packing, bearings, or ball plugs should need replacing, easy-to-use field repair kits are available.

Eight Chiksan configurations or styles are available. These can be combined in many ways to suit any installation.